Advanced SQL Workshop
Planted February 27, 2020
A few weeks ago, I attended a workshop on Advanced SQL given by Tyler Clark. It was a really interesting evening. Here were some of the things I learnt.
I do plan on returning to this and updating it - it might end up being in the wiki section when it comes online though.
How to do bulk csv imports from the SQL prompt
Postgres uses the COPY and FROM keywords.
copy users(user_handle,first_name,last_name,email) FROM '/Users/kevin/code/sql-advanced/sql-advanced-users.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
The order of parameters isn’t important but certain params are only relevant and accepted with others (CSV and header); If you’re having trouble with copy, check the options.
- Boom! Lesson 2 - On conflict. - SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT to make sure identity of the person in the app is consistent. - On conflict - can do nothing or
- Lesson 3 - casting
- Lesson 4 - custom type - Create to avoid misspelling - enums are great - there are lots of other but 95% of use cases are enums. - you can create your own types - these persist across sessions - helpful to keep data consistent
- Lesson 5 - query planner explain analyse - explain - cost (cost=SETUP..TOTAL) - -> visualise what’s going on - Heavy seq scan might mean an index - Trial and error a few things and continue to profile - explain gives a guess - explain analyse - guess and runs the query
- Break
- This is a speedy, informative and fascinating workshop. Egghead work hard in their lessons to cut out the bits around the edges - the intros and other aspects which are less informative. Tyler has that in his teaching style - each activity and section is cut down and really clear and helpful.
- Lesson 6 CTEs - distinct on (column) vs distinct - return * with CTE - WITH keyword - Don’t close with a semicolon - You can name it
- Lesson 7 filtering groups data - where filtering before - having filtering after - The having comes after the group
- Lesson 8 - Defining variables with Do / Declare - do \$\$ // starts a code block - declare // optional setup - handle uuid := ‘asdasdasasd’; -
; - handle uuid; -<variable_name>
; // declaring undefined variable - Lots of stuff around conditionals - He’s definitely guiding the eyes
- Lesson 9 - Conditional Returns with case - when - then - else - end - case when status is null then ‘member’ else status end - case when
end - Lesson 10 - Perform Multiple Steps in One with Transactions - rollback is the default if an error happens - rollback, begin, save point
- Bonus - Pattern matching - like (case sensitive) - ilike (case insensitive) - %t (all the users that have something before a t) - t% - y _ _